
First Longest Semi Academic Essay Language Learner on her Second years Learning Languages.

Ps: Thanks to the readers who succeeded read all of this article. I got touched. Most person I covet in the world, except than rich man with good privilege, is person who can play so many music instrument, also person who fluent to speak different languages. Firstly, let me introduce myself, my name is Diah Hanah, and I am a candidate of hoary bachelor. I do not know why, recently I introduce myself like that, but it is fact. I decide to continue my study after, I think about it for four years. Now here I am, student of English Education department in Subang University. I have taken an English Education, because my curious in language, culture and literature. And for the education, it because there is no more choice in Subang.   I always envy, to person which fluent to speak different language. How could be, there are people like them? Is possible for me, to becoming one of them? Timothy Doner is American polyglot also described as the youngest hyper–polyglot in th...

Budaya Komentar

Akhir-akhir ini ber-Komentar menjadi suatu kegiatan yang sangat diminati khalayak ramai. Semua platform social media punya kolom komentar-nya masing-masing. “Jangan lupa like, comment, and subscribe” tidak asing dengan kaliamat tersebut bukan? Ya, kalimat tersebut seolah sebuah kalimat yang wajib dikatakan oleh para Youtuber, biasanya dikatakan diawal dan diakhir video dan ada kata Komentar disana. Suatu hari saya membuat story di Instagram dengan foto buku The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down , “my current read” tulis saya. “Kamu lagi baca buku itu ?” teman saya yang orangnya baik sekali, ber-Komentar, “Iya,” jawab saya. “Itu tuh yang nulis nya Buddhis kan yah ?” Komentar-nya, aku iya-in lagi (di blurb-nya juga ada bambank). “Emang gapapa gitu baca buku kek gitu ?” Komentar-nya lagi, “ gapapa meureun, kenapa gitu ?” balas ku. Tidak ada respon lagi. Lagi, sekarang di status WA, screen playlist lagu-lagu Paramore. Hallelujah adalah salah satunya tapi kebetulan sedang t...

Review of Article Journal

Extensive Reading: Theory , Research and Implementation By: Qiu Rong Ng, Willy A Renandya, Maio Yee Clare Chong TEFLIN Journal, Volume 30, Number 2, July 2019             The theory, principles, effectiveness on language and specific skill, also the implementation of extensive reading (ER) for students of English as Foreign Language (EFL) or students of English as Second Language (ESL) has been published for several time. Pleasure reading, self-selected reading, free voluntary reading, and wide reading are term of extensive reading (ER). The theoretical intent of extensive reading is resulted from implicit learning, but the main theory of extensive reading is Comprehension Hypothesis. The studies habitually has been shown that extensive reading   (ER) enable the student to acquire benefits of linguistic, improve reading fluency, acquisition on vocabulary, better writing skill, grammar knowledge, also develop wider and...

Euphrosyne Analyze Essay

Cecep Syamsul Hari is Indonesian poet. He is known as a poet with musical device skills. Recently, I read one of his poetry, entitled Euphrosyne. Euphrosyne is first poetry on e-book 21 Love Poems bilingual edition, translated by Harry Aveling and Dewi Candraningrum. In Greek mythology, Euphrosyne was one of the Three Charites or Three Graces. Euphrosyne and her sister (Thalia and Aglaea) were daughters of Zeus and the Oceanid Eurynome. Their duty is take responsible to fill the world with joy and pleasant time. Euphrosyne itself is a feminine form of Greek word euphrosynos meaning “merriment”.             By Euphrosyne Cecep Syamsul Hari prove his capability on musical devices, which very wonderful. All of the repetition exist in this poetry, indicate how great the musical of this poetry. I like an end rhyme in the sixth stanza, ‘A’ vowel in each line, is very good. And I found an anaphora in sixtieth stanza.   “Aku m...

Summary The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

Title                  : The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down Author              : Haemin Sunim Genre(s)           : Self- Help Publisher          : Great Britain by Penguin Life Released            : 2018 Country             : United Kingdom Language          : English Pages               : 265 ISBN               : 978-0-241-34066-0    Haemin Sunim is a Zen monk and professor from South Korea. He give an advice on dealing with life’s challenges and share his advice on social networking sites. His advice generally simple, straightforwa...

Inteligensi Embun Pagi

She wasn't me, I was taking this photo  Bara yang memabakar nadiku kini  Magi yang menyulap semestaku kini Hanya singgah untuk musnah  Tersihir, tersiksa, tersia-sia Di antara angkara  Dua kutub yang berbeda  Kita meregang Tak berkesudahan Di ufuk engkau terbenam, aku terbit Di teluk engkau tenggelam, aku pasang Sejauh apapun garis waktu engkau tempuh  Hadirku selalu di balik matamu  Seluas apa pun ruang yang engkau rengkuh  Cintaku selalu di luar sadarmu  Akulah awal dan engkaulah akhir Meniadakan kita berdua  Adalah satu-satunya cara kita bersama -Dee Lestari


Dimensi tak terbilang dan  tak terjelang  Engkaulah ketunggalan sebelum meledaknya segala percabangan  Bersatu denga tujuan peraduan kunmu menjadikan aku mata semesta  Berpisah menjadikan aku tanya dan engau jawabnya Berdua kita berkejaran tanpa pernah lagi bersua Mencecapmu lewat mimpi Terjauh yang sanggup kujalani Meski hanya satu malam dari ribuan malam Sekejap bersamamu menjadi tujuan peraduanku  Sekali mengenalimu menjadi tujuan hidupku Selapis kelopak mata membatasi aku dan engkau Setiap napas mendekatkan sekaligus menjauhkan kita Engkau membuatku putus asa dan mencinta  Pada saat yang sama -Dee Lestari