First Longest Semi Academic Essay Language Learner on her Second years Learning Languages.

Ps: Thanks to the readers who succeeded read all of this article. I got touched.

Most person I covet in the world, except than rich man with good privilege, is person who can play so many music instrument, also person who fluent to speak different languages.

Firstly, let me introduce myself, my name is Diah Hanah, and I am a candidate of hoary bachelor. I do not know why, recently I introduce myself like that, but it is fact. I decide to continue my study after, I think about it for four years. Now here I am, student of English Education department in Subang University.
I have taken an English Education, because my curious in language, culture and literature. And for the education, it because there is no more choice in Subang.  I always envy, to person which fluent to speak different language. How could be, there are people like them? Is possible for me, to becoming one of them?
Timothy Doner is American polyglot also described as the youngest hyper–polyglot in the world. Tim began well-known on 2012, when he upload, his first video on Youtube, of him speaking 20 languages at 16 years old. Recently, he has joined Fluentworlds as vice president of strategy and business development.
In the same way, Syifa Adinda Negara “Mahasiswi 9 Bahasa” that how Indonesian society know her. Adinda is Indonesian youtuber, which famous because, her ability to cover phenomenal song in different language. At this moment, she is studying her Master in Korea.
In addition, except Tim Doner (23 languages) and Adinda Negara (9 language), there are Lindie Botes with 10 languages, Benny Lewis with 8 languages, Caryn Antonin with 8 languages, Olly Richards with 8 languages, and still so many other. They are polyglots. Polyglot is someone who knows and can communicate using several languages.
Alifia Afflatus Zahra (home – schooler, speaks 7 languages) state anyone can be a polyglot without having a special talent or being a prodigy. People only need to apply the appropriate method. If you see the appeal in being multilingual and desire to be polyglot, or just want to learn a foreign language more effectively, read on (Dr. Emil Krebs).
The pattern of language acquisition is listening – recognising – practicing – repeating. And the most effective method of learning a foreign language is by listening to native speakers, practice and repeat. If you do not have partner, doing a monologue is a good option. But if you encounter native speakers, do not be hesitant to start conversation with them. (Alifia, 2016)
Instead, I ever heard that “you do not need to pay for learn languages,” I accept. However, I has registered with English Education Department in Subang University, but I do not regret may decision.
Dreams is just a dream if you have nothing to do to make it true. So here I am trying to make my dream come–thru, and it is good, to do what you love. In addition, English language is international languages. English was no more viewed as a language of prestige and well education, rather it was the key to international currencies of technology and commerce (Zine Amel, 2017). That is why I did not regret my decision to pay for learn English language.
There are 4 basic skills, which require to master for every Language Learner, those are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. All those basic skills are associate to one another. You consuming the language while reading and listening and you producing the language while writing and speaking.
In Faculty of English Education Sciences and Teacher, the students not only learn how to become an educator, such as learning plan, RPP, syllabus, or evaluation. The students also learn 4 basic language skills profoundly. So here my experiences, as a student of Faculty of English Education Science and Teacher, learning 4 basic language skills on Subang University.
-          Listening
Listening is first thing that the learner consume. But listening too, is the most difficult skills to study for a language learner. This because, while the students learn Listening course, the students only focused on tape that they hearing, which the speakers speaks in very clear and slow manner. But in daily life, especially when the speakers are native, it would be different. They talk with they own habit, which may be fast, contain inflection and colloquialism. (TranslateDay)
As a result, the students learn Listening course only 4 SKS, it is fewer than three other basic skills which take 10 SKS. Perhaps, the lecturers believe, that an experience of learn Listening course will be inadequate.
The students have different lecturer on listening I and II. The first course with Mr Anjar Nugraha M.pd and the last course with Mrs Lusiana Suciati Dewi, M.pd. During the courses, the students learn to practice listening an audio conversation, or song with different problematic which increase in each courses.

-          Speaking
Besides Listening, speaking is another hardest skill to improve for languages learners. Through speaking, the learners need to consider pronunciation and intonation. It does take certain confident and nerve to talk in target language.  There is always the worried will make mistake and coming across as ridiculous person. (TranslateDay)
As it was stated previously Speaking, Reading and Writing take 10 SKS. The students learn Speaking course since first time they joined the faculty of English Education and still continuing on present. At this moment, the students learning Speaking V course, the last courses.
On Speaking I and II, the students have a multiple lecturer between Mr Dodi Wahyudi Purnama, M.Pd and Mrs Lusiana Suciati Dewi M.Pd. The lecturer was corresponded substitutes each other, when one lecturer did not attend to the class, another lecturer was substituted. During two semester the students have not much time to practicing speak. The students learn using Modul, which they was bought from the lecturer, and it was contained a basic conversation. Furthermore, they learn drills, introducing each other, family, and occupation so on. And the most affecting, the students were doing writing test not oral test for the final examination.
Then, on Speaking III, the students merely learn with Mrs Lusiana Suciati Dewi M.Pd. The lecturer was asked the student to buy a book, with a cassette, which hard to find a media to play on it in this era. So the students just use the book without the audio. Immobile, the lecturer was given materials drills to the students. In addition, the students was gotten more time to speak and they were started to definite their mind. The students demonstrate a debate, a promotion (pretend like a sales insurance), deliver a narrative story in front of the class and so many other. And for final examination the students burden an oral test. The students were asked to prepare 5 – 10 minutes to tell unforgettable moment in their life in front of the class. During this semester, the students stationary combine the languages. Occasionally, while a student were stuck about the word, which they want to tell in English, they just speak in Bahasa, there is no matter.
On the other hand, in Speaking IV and V the students cannot speak Bahasa at the class. In condition the students speaks Bahasa during Speaking class they should pay Rp. 1000. It was their warranted before Speaking Course began with the other lecturer. The students has been learned with Mr Anjar Nugraha M.Pd for Speaking IV and V. With Mr Anjar there is only practice, practice and practice. The lecturer has been strained to apply 4.0 during the course. Besides accomplishment a presentation, informal up to formal. The students are deed Youtube and Audio Tracks Imitation (YATI) also has been asked to speak on camera. The students were inaugurated make a video on final examination of Speaking IV, hitherto there are 5 video that the students ever made.

-          Reading
Books, magazine, news website, blog and so on are materials available, which easy to find for language learners, who want to improve their reading skills. Contrasting to listening skills which hard to studied, reading is easier. As it was mentioned earlier, while language learners were consuming languages in Listening course by listen an audio tape, it would be different in daily life. On the contrary, Reading course is advantageous, legion the language learners read, then a lot of knowledge they acquires.
Mr Dodi Wahyudi Purnama M.Pd was taught Reading I and II course. The students were enquired to buy a book, it was contained a text with 200 – 300 word, also 5 – 10 questions which relating with the text. The students were given a different tittle each other, than read the text on slide presentation, and answered the question in front of the class. Belong examination test the question, yet nearby stated detail, understand detail, pronoun referent, implied detail, or vocabulary situated the text.
Reading III course, the students were learned with Mrs Ida Maulida M.pd, a kindest lecturer in English Department. Mrs Ida was taught the students, reading technique, find topic and main idea, and the text that the students read was began complicated. The students utilized book, that the lecturer recommend, and was bought it on their own.
Afterward, the students are learned with Mrs Mimin Aminah M.Pd for Reading IV and V course. Level the difficultness commence increased. At this time, the students not only consume the language, but also produce the language. Mrs Mimin is taught identifying fact and opinion, also how to make summary, review and synthetize books, journal or anything else that has been read. On the previous semesters, the students was fair read text, right here the students read books and journal. The lecturer is designed a final project for every courses. Final project for Reading IV the students was required to make a summary for fiction and non – fiction book, and Reading V is reviewed Article Journal once every 2 weeks.

-          Writing
The last skills is writing. Always remember that writing is processed, even in native language. Writing is the first time the language learners actively to produce languages, and producing is always hard. Normally, the language learners have been started to speak, especially in formal situation, they are always prepared a script first.
On writing I course, the students were learned with Mrs Teti M.Pd. The lecturer was taught the student use a book. The students were given a different chapter based on a books, then required to provide the materials in slide presentation.
Fortunately it was only one semester, afterward Writing II until V, changed by Mr Slamet Wahyudi Yuliyanto M.Pd. During the courses, the lecturer was thought the students use one book and so many files that he send on every courses inaugurated. On Writing II, the students were still learned recognizing between words and sentences. Afterwards, the learner were discovered paragraph on Writing III. Mr Slamet was always examined the student to practicing write, while he had a chances. And for Writing IV, the students were started developing paragraph. There is final project on this semester, it was written a personal essay, which contain 1000 words or more. The last on Writing V, the course targets is write in academic. At this time, the students are already prepared for their mini thesis, as a result the lecturer is habituated the students to write in Academic.
All above is the author experience as language learner, on Faculty of English Education Sciences and Teacher in Subang University.  As it was mentioned earlier, four basic language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) are associated one another. It was not only valid in English language learners, but all languages. So, the language learners need to master all of that skills to becoming a good language learner.
More you consume the languages then more you produce your languages on your target languages. Equally, “more you listen, more you speak, and more you read, then more you write” stated Mr Anjar at the class. Simply, Listen or read your target languages as much as you can then produce it by spoken or written.
However pleasant learning by watch movie or listen to music on your target languages, it is useless. It is mean you practice listening and reading skills (subtitle on movie, lyric on song) but it would be pointless, you just becoming passive learner. That is the writer done, before joined English Education Department.  It is unserviceable, to consuming without producing and it is impossible to producing without consuming. The language learner is required to mastering all four basic skills.
In this era, there are so many way to learn languages. People around the world are connect each other. Even, it was stated, that the information come to us. You can easily know and event make friend, with native speaker on your target languages. It depend on you! Can you take advantage of all the facilities that are available for learning? Want you do your best?
Through internet, the language learners easily consuming and producing languages. The language learners just need to persevere on it, more serious, more consistent and do your best. It is already proven that the effort is always balance with a result. Find your own effective learning method and do your best.
The last, I do not regret my decision, to pay for learn language, through has been joined in Faculty of English Education Science and Teacher Subang University. Besides looking forward of how important to mastering English languages skills in this century, I also assume, this my best effort as language learner.

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